Skeleton Pepe


Episode 1:

... I turned left, took a few steps, and stopped. I could no longer hear any footsteps behind me. Pretending to tie my shoes, I turned my head slightly to get a better view of who was following me. At that moment, I knew I was in deep shit! A figure dressed in a black outfit and wearing a frightening white mask stood right next to me. The only thing I remember after that was a blinding white flash.

Episode 2:

Let's pause for a moment of silence in honor of our dear Pepe. The world united in respect at his funeral, a touching testament to his impact.

It was at that moment, we realized that we must stand together as one big family. We're not enemies, we're family.

Despite the deep emotions stirring within us, a crucial task remains: we must uncover Pepe's killer.


Who could it be?

Episode 3:

Release soon...

Not just a memecoin.

$SKEPE is a brand!

Total supply


LP burned




Our vision with $SKEPE

We believe in a community-driven project where the whole community is contributing to take $SKEPE through milestones. 

We launched Skeleton Pepe with the intention to make it mainstream. A brand. A thriving project with a community who is proud of "wearing" $SKEPE.

Not just an NFT.

We will be launching a collection of 2000 unique $SKEPE NFTs.

The NFT will grant you access to a closed group where we will have insider talks and plays.

More utility will be added later.

The mint price for a $SKEPE NFT won't be less than 1 sol

Early adapters who hold at least 1 million $SKEPE tokens will get a free NFT.

SKEPE Library
Our public marketing wallet.

We believe in full transparency. The money in this wallet will only be spent on marketing campaigns to grow the project.